
national book award中文是什么意思

  • 国家书卷奖
  • 美国国家图书奖
  • 全国图书奖



  • 例句与用法
  • We even won a couple of national book awards
  • National book awards
  • That same year , she received the national book award for her book in china
  • His honors include the national book award , the pulitzer prize , the william carlos williams award , etc
  • Many teachers exclude graphic novels and comics from reading lists , even though a graphic novel was nominated for the national book award this year
  • He won the prestigious national book award and the pulitzer prize for armies of the night , a personal account of the 1967 march on the pentagon by anti - war activists
  • Waiting has been published in 25 countries and is the winner of two of america ' s most prestigious literary awards : the pen faulkner award and the us national book award
    《等待》一书是美国笔会/福克纳小说奖和美国图书奖? ?两个美国重要的文学奖项? ?的得主,在25个国家被出版发行。
  • There was a clash of cultures at the us national book awards on wednesday when horror writer stephen king accepted an honorary award for his contribution to american letters
  • By the end of 2003 , many books had won awards above provincial and municipal level , among which 2 titles won bronze medals on the international book exhibition in leipzig , 5 titles won china book award , and 2 titles won a nomination of national book award
  • Concerning books on social science and literature , " shuli zhao s complete works " and “ henshui zhang s complete works ” once were candidates for the china s national books award ; foreign literature translating works such as " the series of books of eastern literature " , " the series of books of human and nature " , " a dream of jade mansion " , etc , won the china s national foreign literature books award ; " congwen shen s complete works " , which took as long as 10 years to edit and style , are the china s national the ninth five - year plan key planning books
    在社会科学和文学类图书方面《赵树理全集》 、 《张恨水全集》曾入围中国国家图书奖; 《东方文学丛书》 、 《人与自然丛书》 、 《玉楼梦》等外国文学翻译作品,曾获中国国家外国文学图书奖;历时十年编辑整理的《沈从文全集》 ,为中国国家九五重点规划图书。
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  • 百科解释
The National Book Awards are a set of annual U.S.
  • 推荐英语阅读
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